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About UMA Physics

1- Install the Modified UMA Physics scripts  :

Open the Integration Installation window and click on the button to install the modified UMA Physics scripts.

Install UMA Physics scripts.png

2a- If no Ragdoll layer is available in your project :

Create a layer named Ragdoll at line 30, 30 is the index used by the modified UMA scripts provided by the DK UMA integration.

Invector Integration Layers.png

2b- If a Ragdoll layer is already available in your project :

30 is the index of the Ragdoll layer used by the modified UMA scripts provided by the DK UMA integration.

If the Ragdoll layer is different you have to modify the imported 'UMAPhysicsSlotDefinition' script and replace the 30 value like in the next screenshot.

Do the same thing about the Player's layer if different than 8.

Modify the UMAPhysicsSlotDefinition scri

3- Ragdoll layer's collision matrix layers :

The Ragdoll layer needs it's collision matrix layers set to collide with only itself and Default.

Set this in Edit->Project Settings->Physics->Layer Collision Matrix.

Ragdoll Collision Matrix 2.png

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